TurkZeka 2008 パズル選手権

Light Bulps

There are 4 schemas below and the first of them (Schema A) is shown.

You can see all the schemas by clicking the letters (A,B,C,D) on the top.


4 schemas show the same light bulps and light switchs.
Six switches are connected to six light bulps.

It is unknown that ON position of the switches is down or up.

All the switches turn on/off the bulps in the same position (down or up). No one is different.

By making use of these information and the schemas, clarify the positions of the switches at the schema D.

As answer, enter the position numbers of the missing first five switches at the schema D,  without using any space. (Down: 0 , Up: 1)

(If the puzzle was asked for the schema A, the answer would be 11000.)