Above are twelve weights, each with a value from 1 to 12. Assign the values to each weight so that everything balances as shown. You may only use each value once. (A*1)+(B*2)-(C*3)+(D*4)-(E*5)+(F*6)+(G*7)-(H*8)+(I*9)-(J*10)+(K*11)-(L*12) = ?
Above are twelve weights, each with a value from 1 to 12. Assign the values to each weight so that everything balances as shown. You may only use each value once.
(A*1)+(B*2)-(C*3)+(D*4)-(E*5)+(F*6)+(G*7)-(H*8)+(I*9)-(J*10)+(K*11)-(L*12) = ?